Rhinoplasty is one of the most common operations of the Plastic Surgery. It is made for cosmetic or/and reconstructive reasons (trauma, relative anomaly, respiration difficulties), usually under general anesthesia.
The ideal candidates are men after 18 years old and women after 16 years old, who seek an improvement of their nose appearance but not perfection. The patients should have good physical and psycological health and realistic expectations.
The good communication between the doctor and the patient is of vital importance. During the initial examination, the doctor assesses the nasal anatomy and that of the face in general, as well as the respiratory operation. He analyzes the factors that affect the whole procedure to the final result, like the cartilage and bone nasal skeleton, the skin depth, the facial shape, the age, previous operations or nasal traumas etc. The technique that will be applied is explained, after the patient’s expectations are discussed.
The procedure lasts for 1-3 hours, depending on the problem. Usually a plastic narthex is placed on the nose and tampon in the nostrils. A few hours later or the next day, the patient can return home.
You may hear some comments after the operation regarding the result. Try to keep in mind the reasons that made you have this operation, If the operation fulfils your goals, then it is considered successful.
There might be a mild pain on the nose and/or headache, which recedes with the usual painkillers. There is also intense swelling and bruising mainly round the eyes, where it worsens at the second and third day. Cold compresses and a sitting position in bed help the situation. In any case, you will feel better than what you appear. The swelling and the bruises recede in two weeks approximately (a mild swelling remains for a few months, but only you or your doctor will recognise it). A small haemorrage may appear from the nostrils at the few days. The tampons are removed after 2-3 days and the narthex after 1-2 weeks. The stiches placed in the open rhinoplasty are removed in 1 week and there would be no scars after a few months. The patient must not blow his nose for 1 week or more while the tissues heal.
Most patients return to their jobs after the removing of the narthex, however, the intense physical activity for 2 or more weeks is forbidden. For 8 weeks the patient should be careful not to sustain injuries, hits or hourly exposure to the sun radiation. The patient should also be careful while washing his face or hair.
10% of the cases might need a rhinoplasty revision, usually to correct a small imperfecture. Such cases are unpredictable and might happen even with the most capable and experienced surgeons.
We should not forget that the healing is a slow and prograssive process. The nose will appear better day to day, but the final result will be visible a year after the operation.
“You may hear some comments after the operation regarding the result. Try to keep in mind the reasons that made you have this operation, If the operation fulfils your goals, then it is considered successful.”