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Combined Cosmetic Operations



It is common that the candidate of an cosmetic operation “needs” to be operated to other parts of his body as well. For example, a woman after having birth is complaining about her declining breasts and has also relaxation problems in other areas such as the abdomen.

Therefore, as long as the patient’s health allows, it is possible to combine two operations at the same surgical time, with one hospitalization. This procedure demands of course more time at surgery and a relatively greater healing period, but the total gain in time and cost compared with the ones when having two separate operations/hospitalizations is important.

Of course, not all patients are eligible for combined operations.

However, through the progress of the Plastic Surgery Techniques and the personal improvement of each Surgeon, these operations would render a routine in the near future.

“The total gain in time and cost compared with the ones when having two separate operations/hospitalizations is important.”

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