The lipocell number in a human body is stable from the maturity and on and depends from genetic factors. So, the number of lipocells that were produced during growth would be constant for the rest of his adult life. Depending on someone’s diet, the lipocells “inflate” and “deflate”, but their number stays the same. Thus, the “hyperplastic type” obesities which are formed until puberty are the most “resistant” to diets in his adult life and regress easily.
With liposuction we succeed in reducing the lipocells in an area. Thus, the area’s shape is improved, but the weight loss in reference with the total body weight is neglectible. Therefore, liposuction is not a weight loss method, but a technique that improves the appearance of specific areas in people with regular or almost regular weight, who “complain” for the local fat accumulation on these areas. The results are in most cases stunning and durable, as long as specific instructions are kept postoperationally.
The skin of course relaxes, if the fat is removed. The greater the fat quantity that is extracted and the older the patient, the greater the relaxation occurs. Therefore, an ideal candidate would be a young patient with a local fat accumulation problem. Liposuction does not fix cellulitis, it can worsen the problem in some cases. The areas where liposuction is usually made are the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, knees, calves, neck (double chin) and chest for men.
The operation is usually made under general anesthesia and lasts from 30 min to 2 hours, depending on the case. The incisions are up to 1 cm and made in places that can easily be covered (natural skin ripples).
Liposuction is not a weight loss method, but a technique that improves the appearance of specific areas in people with regular or almost regular weight, who “complain” for the local fat accumulation on these areas.
After surgery, the patient wears a special elastic stay and remains for a few hours in hospital or for a day, when excess fat was extracted, in order to provide the fluid he lost during the operation intravenously. The post-operational pain is minimum and usually recedes with the common painkillers.
post-operationally, the patient presents intense bruises and swelling. The bruises gradually recede from the 7th – 10th day and disappear in a month. The swelling, however, recedes in a slower rate, until the lemphic and vein shunting of the area and takes up to 3 months until it is fuly restored. the patient can return to his work after 2-3 days, have shower after 3 days and start training after 10-15 days. The stiches are removed at the 7th post-operational day. The stay is applied for a month.
The swelling, the relaxation and cellulitis are improved with special masage and training programs which must start from the 20th day and last depending on each case for 1-2 months.
“Liposuction is not a weight loss method, but a technique that improves the appearance of specific areas in people with regular or almost regular weight, who “complain” for the local fat accumulation on these areas.”